Create Your Digital Story!


Tell Your Story With A Digital Impression!

Lets face it. In todays day and age it can be very difficult to stand out from the crowd. The rock paper Me application allows you to change up the game for your first impression. Although our application has not yet become a replacement for the traditional resume. Allowing recruitment offices, and hiring teams to see their applicants first hand speaks more than a resume ever will!

There is nothing more important that building your personal brand. With every application you submit, there are thousands of others sitting right next to yours. How are you going to stand out from the crowd?

Start by uploading your first impression to rock paper Me. Our revolutionary application allows you to digitize your first impression. Often eliminating the need for preliminary interviews. This helps to speed up hiring processes which makes the lives of recruiters and human resources easier. This also saves you time from going to first level interviews that you may not be called back for.

Create or Upload your personal videos for each category. Put the effort in, and make these videos your best foot forward!

Record Your Story!

Do you like reading essays or grading papers? Most people don’t. Allow your resume to stand out by changing up the hiring process. Record or upload 90 second videos to tell your audience what they should know about you. Smile, relax, and show your dream job what they have been missing out on.

It is very important that you take your time, and carefully think out the points or story that you are trying to convey. Make sure that your message is clear, and that you presenting yourself in the best way possible. Do not be afraid to address points and qualities outside the scope of a single application. This is about you! Having a variety of points also helps to make this digital resume applicable to more than just one job application.

Here are a list of points that you can use for video ideas:

  • Brief Life Story

  • Challenges & Success Stories

  • Team Work

  • Certifications & Skills

  • Interests and Hobbies

  • Education

Once you have your roadmap, you are on your way to success!



Share Your Story, Share Your Digital Resume!

Once you have completed the setup process, you will be able to share your work with a versatile digital link. You can attach this link to various places, making your portfolio of information easily accessible.

Here are some places to put your shareable link:

  • Email Signatures

  • Resume Notes

  • Social Media Descriptions

  • Business Contact Files

  • Business Cards

  • QR Codes

  • Portfolio Website

Get creative with your link placement! The more instances you have of your link, the greater your possibilities become of someone seeing your story!

You can even use this shareable link, as a conversation starter for recruiters, and managers. Simply send an email with your shareable link looking to make a first impression before your resume has even been reviewed! That’s the power of rock paper Me!